Young Indian Gavial or Gharial

Image Tags: Indian, gavial, gharial, gavial, endangered, species, threatened-species, threatened, reptile, reptilian, creeper, eye, tooth, teeth, toothed, detail, close-up, closeup, Gavialis-gangeticum, crocodile, crocodilian, rare, protected, mouth, indian, gavial,...

Indial Gavial – Endangered Species

Image Tags: Indian, gavial, gharial, gavial, endangered, species, threatened-species, threatened, reptile, reptilian, creeper, eye, tooth, teeth, toothed, detail, close-up, closeup, crocodile, crocodilian, rare, protected, mouth, indian, gavial, gharial, gavial,...

Gharial also called Gavial

Image Tags: angeticum, closeup, creeper, critically, crocodile, crocodilia, crocodilian, detail, endangered, eye, gangeticus, garden, gavial, gavialis, gharial, indian, mouth, open, pecies, prague, protected, rare, reptile, reptilian, species, threatened, tooth,...


Gharial – Gavialis gangeticus Description One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Gharial is that it has a long and thin snout. They have very tiny teeth with more than 100 of them in that limited amount of space. They can become very large animals with...