by CrocoWorld | Nov 11, 2013 | Crocodile Facts and Information, Images
Image Tags: closeup, creeper, crocodile, crocodilian, detail, endangered, eye, gavial, gavialis, angeticum, gharial, mouth, protected, rare, reptile, reptilian, species, threatened, threatened, pecies, tooth, toothed, closeup, creeper, crocodile, crocodilian, detail,...
by CrocoWorld | Nov 11, 2013 | Images
Image Tags: american, alligator, alligator, mississippiensis, everglades, national, park, florida, baby, infant, small, tiny, alligators, crocodile, crocodiles, animal, animals, reptile, reptiles, wildlife, nature, lakes, pond, river, swamp, predator, carnivores,...
by CrocoWorld | Nov 11, 2013 | Humans
Crocodile Hunting While it is illegal in some areas, crocodile hunting is a very common sport. Some people do it because they don’t like them around. In areas such as Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and Louisiana they are abundant. Many people hunt them to simply reduce...
by CrocoWorld | Nov 11, 2013 | Species
Gharial – Gavialis gangeticus Description One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Gharial is that it has a long and thin snout. They have very tiny teeth with more than 100 of them in that limited amount of space. They can become very large animals with...
by CrocoWorld | Nov 11, 2013 | Images
Image Tags: american, alligator, gator, lizzard, open, mouth, teeth, eating, feeding, swimming